Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Top 3 iTunes Lyrics plug-ins

Searching for lyrics? Just stop! Don’t waste time hunting for lyrics to the songs you are listening! Listed here is the 3 top iTunes lyrics plug-ins which will search your iTunes library and automatically display the lyrics of the song you are playing! Oh, and if the lyrics are not found, you can add it yourself! You can edit the way you see the text, color, size and background.  
1. LyricsSeeker Plugin for iTunes, WinAmp and Windows Media Player.
The  LyricsSeeker Plugin  allows you to find  lyrics to the songs in your music library of  iTunes, WinAmp or Windows Media Player .
How it works-
If matching lyrics are found, a notification balloon will appear. Simply click on the notification balloon and the Lyrics will be shown in your Internet browser. Ofcourse, you must have an active Internet connection to access the lyrics.
The instruction for installation is found here.

 2  iLyrics 2.4.1
iLyrics is a free and lightweight Dashboard widget that will fetch lyrics for your iTunes. The new release supports snow leopard and it stops looking for lyrics on internet if current track is Podcast or Video
Some of the key features of iLyrics are:
• Search artwork and lyrics form 4+ source at the same time
• Double click iLyrics widget to copy the lyrics and song info
• Double click the artwork, it would open the url from browser if the artwork was found from internet
• Support reading/saving lyrics from song itself
• Support reading artwork from song itself

3. Lyricsnapper
Lyricsnapper searches the web for lyrics, to the currently playing songs in iTunes. You can save those lyrics to your song info, and the next time that song is played, those lyrics are displayed.
• Retrieves lyrics of your favorites songs from the internet
• Option to auto-update the lyrics in your iTunes library
• Integrates with iTunes
• Updates the lyrics in your iTunes library
• Easy to use
Well...take your pick!
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