All the documents, pictures, music or games are stored as files in computers . Files can only be activated by programs that recognize them and are able to use it. Like, for instance, you cannot use a music program to open a letter document. Thus, each program on your computer understands its file types . File types are the few extra letters added on to a name after the full stop. For example, 'mycomputer.doc' is a file, named 'mycomputer' with the filetype '.doc', meaning that it can be opened by only a program that understands doc or document files like Microsoft Word.
There are many different file types. The following are the common Filetypes opened by the appropriate programme.
* .bmp - image file. Open with Paint
* .cfg - configuration file.
* .dat - data file.
* .doc - document file. Open with Word
* .exe - program file. Double-click to run
* .gif - image file. Open with Paint
* .htm - web document. Open with Internet Explorer
* .html - web document. Open with Internet Explorer
* .ini - text configuration file. Open with Notepad
* .jpeg/jpg - image file. Open with Paint
* .mov - movie file. Open with Quicktime
* .mpeg/mpg - video file. Open with QuickTime
* .mp3 - audio file. Open with Windows Media Player
* .pdf - secure document file. Open with Adobe Reader
* .pps - slideshow presentation. Open with PowerPoint
* .ppt - presentation file. Open with PowerPoint
* .sys - system file.
* .txt - text file. Open with Notepad
* .wav - audio file. Open with Windows Media Player
* .xls - spreadsheet file. Open with Excel
* .zip - compressed file. Open with WinZip
If a file does not appear to have a filetype extension, open the folder it is stored in and click on Tools from the menu, then Folder Options. Click on the View tab and un-check Hide extensions for known file types.
That's it!
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