Go to Googlefight (www.googlefight.com.)
Google Fight will play a funny Flash movie of two stick figures fighting and then show you the results.
Another hilarious Google search engine is Googlism . Want to find out what Google thinks of you, your friends or anything? All right, search for your name or have a hearty laugh by checking out some of the popular Googlisms below. All you have to do is to go to Googlism search engine and type in your name or any name .The results that come back with a sentence are usually amusing!
Now, lets type in iPod and check the What is box.
In the same manner,try out the Where is and When is boxes too!
Another fun Google Game is Googlewhack (http://www.googlewhack.com/)
It is a game to find two word combinations .The end results in only one likely page in the Google search engine. Googlewhack is not maintained by Google.
Have fun!! :)
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