All the documents, pictures, music or games that are stored in computers are files. Files can only be activated by programs that recognize them and are able to use it. Like, for instance, you cannot use a music program to open a letter document. Each program on your computer understands what type of file it can or cannot use by the fact that every file has a filetype given to it. These filetypes have a few extra letters added on to its name after the full stop. For example, 'mycomputer.doc' is a file, named 'mycomputer' with the filetype '.doc', meaning that it can be opened by only a program that understands doc or document files like Microsoft Word.
There are many different filetypes. The following are the common Filetypes opened by the appropriate programme.
- .avi - video file. Open with Windows Media Player
- .bmp -image. Open with Paint
- .cfg - configuration file.
- .dat - data file.
- .doc - document file. Open with Word
- .exe - program file. Double-click to run
- .gif - image file. Open with Paint
- .htm - web document. Open with Internet Explorer
- .html - web document. Open with Internet Explorer
- .ini - text configuration file. Open with Notepad
- .jpeg/jpg - image file. Open with Paint
- .mov - movie file. Open with Quicktime
- .mpeg/mpg - video file. Open with QuickTime
- .mp3 - audio file. Open with Windows Media Player
- .pdf - secure document file. Open with Adobe Reader
- .pps - slideshow presentation. Open with PowerPoint
- .ppt - presentation file. Open with PowerPoint
- .sys - system file.
- .txt - text file. Open with Notepad
- .wav - audio file. Open with Windows Media Player
- .xls - spreadsheet file. Open with Excel
- .zip - compressed file. Open with WinZip