Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Embed YouTube Videos in PowerPoint -Offline Mode

There are 2 options to incorporate YouTube videos into your Powerpoint presentations:
  1. You can link the YouTube videos (you will need a good internet connectivity to view this presentation).A step by step tutorial is available from here.
  2. You can download and embed the YouTube videos (by this option you can view the presentation offline)
Though the first option is so easy, the second option is safer and more reliable as you do not need internet connection and moreover,you need not even bother whether the internet connection speed is good or not!
There are many methods to download YouTube video to your computer and then embed it in Powerpoint slides, but the following method is so very very easy!

All you have to do is to use an online converter, type in the URL of the YouTube video, convert the file to windows media format and save it to your hard disc.Thats it!
  • The Conversion wizard will appear.
  • Type the URL (web address) of the YouTube video.

In the next step, choose the file type to convert to.You should choose wmv(windows media format)

In the next step, you can choose whatever additional options or you may just skip this step.

Now, the conversion wizard downloads your file.

The last step is to click the Download Now button.

Now save the video file to wherever you want to, preferably to the same folder which contains your Powerpoint file ,in your hard drive.

To embed this video to your Powerpoint slide-

Open your Powerpoint presentation
Choose Insert –> Movie from file
Click the video file and click OK.
That's it!Your video file has been embeded in your powerpoint slide.
Choose your options like start automatically or when clicked.
Then right click on the movie and select edit movie object and choose more options of your choice.Done!That's it!

Copyright © 2008-2009 Laila Rajaratnam. All Rights Reserved.

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